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NNOVA ABRASIVE-FREE “LIQUID ENAMEL” SUSPENSION mouthwash with an effective active nano form of hydroxyapatite penetrates deep into the open dentin tubules (microscopic channels spreading from the bottom of the enamel surface to the inside of the tooth, called the pulp) and completely fills them, strengthens the enamel and reduces increased sensitivity of the teeth, as well as the neck area. This enamel-strengthening and regenerating mouthwash contains red grape seed extract, which provides effective protection against the formation of dental cavities. Natural stevia, vitamin E and polyphenols (eucalyptol, thymol and anethole) protect the gums. WhiTanine (calcium/magnesium/zinc hydroxyapatite + tannase) unique whitening and enamel strengthening system regenerates enamel, protects a healthy oral cavity, gently whitens and polishes tooth enamel giving it a wonderful shine. 97.6 % NATURAL. CLINICALLY APPROVED.
220 ml
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